At last, School reopens. 10 days without doing some good stuff.. = (
A bored holidays, everyday ke skulah... main cs =_=", kn paki hardware lab kunun, Nada ada!.. nda pedah datang.. haha "cool down"
just lepak wit friend day to night, cuz my family out vacation at KL for a week.. home alone, bcoz have some extra class to attend, study more important than vacation... “setai = )” Only about month left for END YEAR EXAM
but sudah datang ke skulah lain pulang di buat. =_="
One night, surfing internet... boring2 open youtube... then i found intresting video.. = ).. , it release my stress out, fill emm.. watever lah... lol... "LAME!" feel good. Great song and dance... eheh = ) + .....ehe you know wat i mean... = )
GAM - Lu Lu Lu "Dance Shot."
huh? who the hell Lu Lu Lu... cubath th name ku kh ah bisai jua... = ) dri pda Lu Lu Lu.
K Ja Ne! Happy schooling dude.